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If You Only Ask The SeniorScape™

Updated: Nov 24, 2022

Last night I had a conversation with Mark Victor Hansen who I briefly met last December. I met him at an event where the and his wife Crystal were presenting their book ASK.

My immediate thought was that I’d love to have a conversation with Mark on my podcast SeniorsSTRAIGHTTalk. So many of us in our elderhood years have goals, hidden, unfulfilled or even undiscovered desires or passions but don’t know how to go about reaching them.

I approached he and his wife Crystal at the back of the room but, as you can imagine, there was a sea of people wanting to speak with him. I was told someone would share his email address with me.

That didn’t go anywhere. Throughout the year I kept asking. Now circulating in an orbit outside the healthcare and aging landscape, where I first met Mark Victor Hansen, I kept asking. The connection came through another person I wanted to meet for some time, repeatedly asking people until circumstances put me in the position with someone who knew her well: Mitzi Perdue.

Mitzi was a guest on SeniorsSTRAIGHTTalk and even more amazingly, she interviewed me for her blog in Psychology Today. I never would or could have even dreamt that.

That was a few months ago. But I had the unbelievable fortune of meeting Mitzi Perdue in person at an event a few weeks ago. She is warm and one of the most gracious human beings I’ve ever met.

Lo and behold, I told her the story of wanting to meet Mark Victor Hansen and she immediately said,

“I’ll introduce you to him.”

So here we were, last night, Mark Victor Hansen and I having a conversation that turned into a recording for SeniorsSTRAIGHTTalk. My exuberance was overflowing. What a gift!!!

It took ASKING…. Repeatedly, undeterred Asking.

Mark Victor Hansen says:

A.S.K.: Ask….Seek..…Knock

Ask Yourself

Ask Others

Ask God, The Universe, whatever your belief is in that realm

Ask Big, Think big, Talk Big

To GET: Get Every Good Thing

That’s the only way you will reach fulfill your dreams, you hidden passions, your deepest burning desires.

So ask yourself…

What do you want to do?

Who do you want to meet?

What do you want to accomplish?

Age is not a barrier. Mark Victor Hansen is about to turn 75 laying out the plan for his next 25 years

Today I have a conversation with an inventor age 87 who is going strong.

These are people after my own heart. I’ll turn 70 in a couple of months.

I feel like I’m just beginning. So in the words of Mark Victor Hansen…

The More you ask, the more you’ll grow. The more you ask, the more you’ll get asked

Are you an adventure capitalist? Do you want to be? Is there something you want to do but don’t know where or how to start?

Life with Purpose, Adventure, Contribution give meaning to our lives.

They are all important to healthful and graceful living and aging.

Feel free to weigh in. Email me at:

Make the Rest of Your Life, the Best of Your Life!!!!

Feel Fab…..Look Fab…..Be FAB – U – Lous


To get a copy of ASK: The Bridge from Dreams to Your Destiny

To find out more about IMpathy® at the heart of creating your personalized longevity or wellness care plan click the link:

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